
Showing posts from March, 2015

Breakwater Thoughts, by Bella Souza

Breakwater Thoughts , published in the Burlington Free Press March 6, 2015   A penetrating gust of an ice cold gale hits my face. Snow crystals glow in the early morning light, as if to say follow us . The light breeze buffets me and as I stumble, the snow crackling under my feet, the snow seems to create miniatures crevasses running across the sheets of snow that cover the breakwater I’m walking on top of.   As I walk, I take in my surroundings, with thoughts tumbling around in my head. Soon I will be at the edge of the lake where the foot of the lighthouse touches the frozen waters of lake champlain. But the closer I get to end of my walk, thoughts about flowers from my surroundings. Thoughts about life, and how there is a common truth that we all have to face. The truth of how all things has to end whether you like it or not. I have always disliked endings. The last day of summer, the end of a book, the finish of a morning stroll, parting ways with a friend. All though a